factory sales

High quality Schweinstaler sandstone is produced exclusively at our own quarry in Schweinstal, near Kaiserslautern, and here we can offer you products from our warehouse at special prices.

Schweinstaler sandstone has a diverse colour structure and an extensive spectrum of shades which make every piece of our stone unique in character.

All products are from our workshop in Schweinstal and quoted prices are net of taxes. Delivery is available upon request.

Please complete the form below as to which products you are interested in and we will then contact you for further details:

We would also be pleased to welcome you personally at our Werksgelände (workshop) as well as in our Steinbruch (quarry) where you can directly choose from our stock just as long as it lasts!

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions.



Factory sale form

I'm interested in:
My contact details
Polygonal plates